Monday, November 1, 2021

High school football playoff pairings

 While Section II Class C got a head start last weekend, the football playoffs begin in earnest for the other classifications Friday & Saturday. Spectrum News 1 is hinting they'll cover one of the two Class AA games on Friday, but let's see what lies ahead.......

Class AA:

Shenendehowa, after losing to CBA on Friday, falls into the #4 seed, and will play at Shaker in one of two rematches from the regular season. This is unfamiliar territory if you're a Shen fan, especially after watching Shaker become a Class AA power the last few years, aside from getting bounced by Troy in 2016-17.

The real storyline lies in the rematch between #3 CBA and #2 Guilderland. The defending champions want to get back to the Super Bowl, and a possible rematch with either Shaker or Shen. For CBA coach Bob Burns, it's all about taking the Brothers all the way to Syracuse and the state title in his return to Class AA after three years in Class A at Troy. The Dutchmen won the first meeting, so CBA will be hungering for revenge.

Predictions: Shaker over Shen, but CBA gets payback on Guilderland.

Class A:

With Troy having been gutted with the departure of Burns and Jaylen Riggins to CBA, Averill Park captured the Capital Division title, signaling a changing of the guard in the division. They'll host Grasso Division runner-up Queensbury.

Section II uses a quarter-point system similar to the old Continental Basketball Association, and that explains why, despite losing to Averill Park on October 15, LaSalle gets the second seed in the Capital Division, and a rematch with Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake, which gave up a non-conference game to play LaSalle in September after Albany was forced to delay their season until October 1. John Audino's Kardiac Kadets should be better prepared for Matt Shell's defense the second time around.

Prediction: Get ready for another Battle of The Spartans, as it'll be an all-Grasso Division Super Bowl between Burnt Hills & Queensbury.

Class B:

Schalmont hosts Gloversville on Friday night. Ravena visits Glens Falls for a Saturday matinee. In other sports, this would be Colonial Council vs. Foothills Council in each case. Also, Ravena-Glens Falls is an instant rematch, as these two teams just met Saturday, with Glens Falls blowing out Ravena, 42-0.

Prediction: Glens Falls goes back to the Super Bowl for the first time in the post-Joseph Girard III era, and will face Schalmont.

Class C:

The final four consists of Fonda-Fultonville facing Hoosick Falls-Tamarac, while Voorheesville faces Schuylerville. Fonda is coming off a 60 point upset of Watervliet, and hot. But not for long.

Prediction: Form will hold, and we'll see Hoosick Falls-Tamarac meeting Schuylerville.

Class D (Saturday):

Schuylerville will also host a Class D doubleheader, as Greenwich faces Chatham, and Warrensburg meets Stillwater. Cambridge-Salem, the former perennial power, has already been eliminated.

Prediction: Greenwich vs. Stillwater. For old times' sake.

Of course, I could be wrong.

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